Friday, September 13, 2013

Long Time Comin'...

It has been a while since I have updated this. I have recently had a lot of unfortunate time on my hands. Last Saturday I was able to partake in my first ambulance ride due to my first broken bone (clavicle) during the first half of my first 15's rugby game of the season. Needless to say...I will be the newest Charleston Hurricane cheerleader. Whoop! :-/

Now that is covered, let me rewind...

I moved to Charleston, SC in February and started a fire job with the Francis Marion National Forest. It was great to experience southern coastal fire fighting. The majority of it is prescribed fires, so we had lots of fun burning. What was not so fun was all the critters and animals they have in the forest out here. There was one day where I had 27 ticks on me and 3 of those were embedded. EWWW!

During my employment there I was able to rescue an adorable Staffie/mix dog that someone had abandoned. I wasn't going to get a dog this early, but she completely stole my heart that day we found her. I know why now, she is just like me an so many ways...we were meant to be. :)

I was laid off for the season from that job in July and unknown to me, even with a pretty diverse resume' it is hard to find a good job here. The gap between getting laid off and finding employment was harmful to my bank account and the employment I DID find wasn't much help. I probably applied to 37 job, give or take a few, and got 3 interviews at the same time and then another came shortly after. I at one point had 4 jobs and hardly any income believe it or not. I eventually dwindled that down to 2. I was able to pull doubles for weeks upon weeks to try and get caught up a little and then...we are back to where I started...broken and broke, forced to be a couch potato without insurance and no employment.


Through much faith, prayer, and the help of an amazing support group the tides are turning. Things are slowly, but surely progressing in a positive way. I am a believer that things happen for a reason. I know that my creator has the map of my journey and knows when it will become a struggle. He waits anxiously like a parent watching those first steps or learning to ride a bike. No matter how bad he wants to jump in and catch me...I need to learn my own balance without his help and he'll be there to comfort me when I fall. After I fall he gives me that confidence to succeed, he carries my burdens with me, and  he gives me light.

Beauty in Everything

I’m climbing the mountain HE created for me,
On each route there is beauty in everything.
Amongst the weeds, flowers grow
Within the dirt, pure gems glow.
I am safe because I know
HE is always with me.

The journey is hard, I trip and fall
HE helps me up and I stand tall.
Without HIM I couldn’t go on,
HE carries me when I am not strong.
With faith I continue
HIS kingdom I pursue.

The sky is open and the sun is bright
The breeze is cool and my pack is light.
I give praise to HIM for all HE’s done
Glory, Glory how far I’ve come.

In the times when dead ends appear
I call to HIM, and have no fear.
HE has my map, HE’ll lead me out
I trust in him and have no doubt.
HE loves me so, this I believe,
Through HIM, I will succeed.

The sky is open and the sun is bright
The breeze is cool and my pack is light.
I give praise to HIM for all HE’s done
Glory, Glory how far I’ve come.

When I reach the unknown peak
And look down to what I see.
I take a deep breath of accomplishment,
Knowing it was worth every lost moment.
I climbed the mountain HE created for me,
On each route there was beauty in everything.

Kerri Rogers


  1. Awesome post! I didn't know you were going through this stuff :( You are one of the strongest people and I know, and I always see you keep a beautiful smile and amazing attitude through everything that happens, that is such a great example. Love ya!

  2. Thanks Beth! That means a lot! I sure do miss you tons!!

  3. Did you write that poem? It gave me goosebumps! I love it! Keep on keepin on sister!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I did write it. Good to hear from you and I hope all is well!
