Friday, April 13, 2012

~10 Mile Mark~

I am so overwhelmed with positive and enthusiastic feelings and thoughts, I don't know where to start!

Laying in bed last night I couldn't stop thinking of how bummed I was that I was going to wake up to another dreary rainy day and I had just bought new running shoes.  Of course I wanted to immediately test them out.

Even though they are "trail" running shoes, when I put them on at the store my feet didn't want to come out of them. Just picture laying your head on a brand new super comfy don't want to get up do ya? Yeah, that is exactly how my feel felt. " know you have to buy these now right!?" is what my feet were telling me.

You can imagine how I felt as I actually did wake up this morning to a SUNNY day! I am not sure the conditions could have been much better for a PR of 10 miles today! Yeah, yeah I know...some may think 10 miles in no big thing, but this little chicky hasn't ever ran 10 full miles without stopping until today. Boy did it feel GREAT!!

Those of you who know me know how much I DON'T love running. I have mentioned that before, but I like it enough to do it. Well days like today where the conditions are great, new kicks, lots of stress to NOT think about, and a beautiful city to run through makes me love a good run! I guess I would say there are degrees to the love of running. :)

Here are the stats to the first 10 mile history marker:

April 13, 2012
10 miles
Pace of 9'24"/mi

So not the best pace, but I am just glad I didn't start cramping and that my knees held out. The only thing that I felt bother me just a tad was the tips of my toes. That must be a running flaw or something...

The Brooks were excellent! I am pretty sure they will be worn during my half marathon on May 5th.

Completing 10 miles gave me much hope and a better perspective on accomplishing 13.1 miles in a few weeks!

1 comment:

  1. I was recently put into check that I am being silly! A PR is a PR and I should be proud of that and you should be proud of your own PR's as well, no matter the pace or miles. With running you are really in competition with yourself anyway, so that is what I need to keep in mind. Since I am new at running, I am setting standards for myself to beat, not for others. Thanks Jamie! I needed that!! :)
