Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Good Thing

A Good Thing

I knew a good thing when I saw it,
I knew a good thing when I heard it,
I knew a good thing when I smelt it,
And I knew a good thing when I held it.

This good thing I speak of changed my life for good.
A fight and struggle I've had for so long, finally understood.
I can now live for me and not pretend for others,
The truth is out, all lies uncovered.
What a relief, what a relief, oh my hell what a relief!
No regrets, no lies, no grief!

I know a good thing when I see it,
I know a good thing when I hear it,
I know a good thing when I smell it,
And I know a good thing when I hold it.

There are no words worthy enough to describe you.
People with such qualities who cross my path are very few.
Just the thought of you brings a smile to my face and warmth in my heart.
The love I feel makes me hope we'll never part.
When we're together I see no one else around,
It's like a different world where only love and happiness is found.

I love it when I see you,
I love it when I hear you,
I love it when I smell you,
And I love it when I hold you.

To put it simple…


Kerri Rogers

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