Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sesame Peanut Salad and Chicken

My friend Ronda recommended this noddle recipe and we decided instead of using the noodles we would use peeled zucchini. That was a great decision! This meal was very low calorie, filling, and delicious!

It started out like the picture, but after mixing the sauce with the vegetables there was more sauce than I thought. I ended up peeling my chicken apart and mixing it with the salad and it was great!

I marinated two chicken breasts in about a tbsp each of vinegar, soy sauce, lemon juice, and chili garlic sauce.

The salad consists of 1 C peeled zucchini, 1 C steamed cabbage (just to soften a little), a small handful of bean sprouts, and sprinkled with green onions (shallots). The recipe called for a tbsp of sesame seeds as well, but I left them out.

The sauce is: 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 2 tbsp rice wine vinegar, 1/2 tbsp sesame oil. Whisk together until smooth and serve warm or cold. I liked it warm. This amount = 1/3 C and I split that between 2 people.

Thanks Ronda! Bon and I enjoyed it a lot!

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